Who Is The Scapegoat In Animal Farm

Who is the scapegoat in animal farm – In the allegorical masterpiece Animal Farm, the concept of scapegoating takes center stage, exposing its insidious effects on society. This analysis will delve into the characters who become scapegoats throughout the story, exploring their roles in perpetuating fear, insecurity, and ultimately, the pigs’ tyrannical reign.

As the animals struggle to maintain their newfound freedom, they become increasingly susceptible to manipulation and the blame game. Moses, the raven, serves as a cunning scapegoat, using his prophecies to instill fear and control. Boxer, the loyal workhorse, is ultimately sacrificed as a symbol of the pigs’ tyranny, his death serving as a chilling reminder of the dangers of scapegoating.

The Role of Moses: Who Is The Scapegoat In Animal Farm

Who is the scapegoat in animal farm

Moses, a raven in Animal Farm, plays a crucial role as a scapegoat, a figure upon whom the animals project their fears and insecurities. His teachings and prophecies contribute to the animals’ sense of vulnerability and anxiety, making them more susceptible to manipulation by the pigs.

Moses’s Prophecies and Teachings, Who is the scapegoat in animal farm

Moses preaches about Sugarcandy Mountain, a mythical land where animals live in eternal happiness and abundance. These prophecies offer the animals a glimmer of hope amidst their harsh reality, but they also serve as a distraction from their present struggles.

Moses’s teachings emphasize the inevitability of suffering in this life, suggesting that the animals should endure their hardships patiently and look forward to a better existence after death.

The Pigs’ Use of Moses

The pigs recognize Moses’s potential as a tool to control the animals. They allow him to spread his teachings, knowing that they can use his prophecies to pacify the animals and prevent them from questioning their authority. By fostering a sense of fear and insecurity among the animals, the pigs maintain their power and prevent any potential rebellion.

Essential FAQs

Who is the primary scapegoat in Animal Farm?

Boxer, the loyal workhorse, is chosen as the primary scapegoat for the animals’ failures, ultimately leading to his execution.

How does Moses contribute to the scapegoating in Animal Farm?

Moses, the raven, uses his prophecies and teachings to instill fear and insecurity among the animals, making them more susceptible to scapegoating.

What are the consequences of scapegoating in Animal Farm?

Scapegoating creates division and distrust among the animals, undermining their ability to resist the pigs’ tyranny and ultimately leading to their downfall.